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Successful Politicians…Failing Leaders

Note: This is the first in a series of three opinion pieces. Each will include the same opening and closing. The middle section of the second and third will provide different thoughts from the previous piece or pieces. Dictionary.com defines a politician as “a seeker or holder of public office who is more concerned about […]

Thoughts on Ferguson

Given that I am in retirement mode, I hardly get out of bed before 9:00 AM. However, one morning last week a frightening dream awoke me at 5:30 and I got up. In the dream, a tremendously accomplished white man was speaking to a group of black boys regarding successful living. I was sitting in […]

Our Chef…Reason to be Thankful

I am writing this article with some reluctance and much enthusiasm. My wife and I are not wealthy nor are we interested in seeming to boast about anything. However, we have a chef for whom we are thankful and share our experience for others who may benefit from her services. Several months ago I had […]

Truth Is Breaking Through

For some time now I have been in a position to see the depth of commitment to the Democrat Party that is present among Black Americans. Given that I grew up surrounded by black citizens who believed that Democrats seriously addressed the needs of and issues relating to the black community, I can see how […]

Reinvigorated…Thank You!

On 5 September 2014 I released an e-newsletter article titled “Farewell, Great Oak…Why I Quit.” The article is posted on my website and may be accessed by going to http://karlmerritt.pairsite.com/articles/.  I am encouraged and very much humbled by the response to that release.  The e-newsletter was sent to 725 recipients, 306 individuals opened it for […]

Farewell, Great Oak: Why I Quit…

After eight years volunteering with Great Oak Youth Development Center (GOYDC), my involvement with the organization has ended totally. In April 2014, I reduced my responsibilities as explained in an email that may be viewed on my website by going to this link: www.karlmerritt.com/articles/. When I joined with Dr. Catrina Murphy and Bobby Washington to […]

Reduction of Great Oak Involvement

Text of Email 30 April 2014 This email is being sent to many persons with whom I interacted over the past several years because of your financial and/or volunteer support of Great Oak Youth Development Center. I would prefer to address each of you by name; however, given the sizeable listing of individuals, time does […]

“1 Police Finalist Is Black” So What?

Background – Karl W. Merritt The Purpose of karlmerritt.com: After all my years of living, there are still some things I do not fully understand.  However, I am sure of my love for God, family, other people, Fayetteville, and the United States of America.  These loves cause me to be very concerned about various issues […]

My 47% – or Whatever Percent

Yesterday, 4 November 2012, I sent out an e-newsletter that contained my article titled “47% High, Assessment Absolutely Correct.” The article explained my thinking regarding the 47% comment made by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. If you did not read that e-newsletter, check your email inbox. It will also be available on my website, karlmerritt.com, […]

47% High, Assessment Absolutely Correct

4 November 2012 Governor Mitt Romney overstated the percentage, but his assessment as to where he should invest campaign resources is absolutely correct. Here is what the governor said that has attracted tremendous attention and discussion: “There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there […]

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