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Truth Is Breaking Through

For some time now I have been in a position to see the depth of commitment to the Democrat Party that is present among Black Americans. Given that I grew up surrounded by black citizens who believed that Democrats seriously addressed the needs of and issues relating to the black community, I can see how America’s black citizens, in general, became so committed to the party. However, over the past several years as I have given attention to the the histories of the Democrat and Republican Parties and to their actions, or in-actions, I have grown more and more confused as to why so many Black Americans remain absolutely committed to the Democrat Party.

In a time when information is so easily available, it dumbfounds and saddens me that there is still this overwhelming allegiance of black voters to Democrat candidates. Minimal examination of history and the current condition of Black America shows that this allegiance to the Democrat party is without foundation. I recently spent a couple of afternoons at the Board of Elections in Fayetteville passing out Cumberland County Republican Voter Guides. On several occasions when I offered the guide to black voters, their response was, “Are those Republicans?” When I answered “Yes,” they responded, “I don’t want it.” Given all the challenging conditions faced by Black Americans, where is the sense in refusing to even hear what is proposed by Republicans? Among these challenging conditions are high unemployment rates, devastating black-on-black crime, high incarceration rates, opportunity-crushing school dropout rates, and an expanding cycle of out-of-wedlock births.

These experiences and others along with simply watching happenings in our society and hearing conversations that take place among black citizens caused me to think there were only a few of us who are black and see the damage being done to us as a people by this blind allegiance to the Democrat Party and its ideology.

Then I was sent link for a video produced by Rebel Pundit. It shines a bright light on the situation I have talked about here. The organization’s website says this: “Rebelpundit was founded by Jeremy Segal, an anti-activist and continues as a group effort based in urban centers across the country. The blog is a beacon of truth, showing the unholy alliance of the mainstream media, Republican Party establishment, the liberal Democrat Party, big unions and corrupt “not for profits.” Our team takes to the field with cameras to show what isn’t aired in the local and beyond. The members of Rebel Pundit believe that exposing the true nature of liberalism and the toll it has taken on regular peoples’ lives is our top mission.”

The video leads me to believe that “Truth is Breaking Through.” Please click on this link to view the it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUSRZo1BE5o&feature=youtu.be

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